Dr.Ron's Insights: Statistics Roundtable-Raise Your Batting Average(3)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
November 27, 2017
The SCO strategy has stood the test of time, and it’s definitely worth your consideration.
Dr.Ron's Insights: Statistics Roundtable-Raise Your Batting Average(2)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
October 30, 2017
Over the years, it has been recognized that experimentation is more effective when it is approached with a strategy in mind.
Dr.Ron's Insights: Statistics Roundtable-Raise Your Batting Average(1)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
October 10, 2017
Remember the importance of sequence in experimentation
Dr.Ron's Insight: Robust Experimental Strategies for Improving Upstream Productivity (3)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
August 28, 2017
Another problem that can reduce the speed and quality of process development is themeasurement systems used to collect the data, i.e, availability of good methods and the efficiency with which the analytical laboratory is operated.
Dr.Ron's Insight: Robust Experimental Strategies for Improving Upstream Productivity (2)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
July 31, 2017
Critical to success is the development of a strategy of experimentation, which streamlines the experimental process. Such a strategy, summarized in Table I, identifies three experimental environments: screening, characterization, and optimization.
Dr.Ron's Insight: Robust Experimental Strategies for Improving Upstream Productivity (1)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
June 26, 2017
Experience using Quality by Design in upstream processes has identified several things that can improve the application of the method.
Quality by Design -- Experimental strategies for implementing Quality by Design (2)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
May 27, 2017
Critical Elements ofExperimental Strategies for Implementing QbD Process and product Xs and Ys: TheYs - Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) are the critical process output measurements linked to patient needs.
Quality by Design -- Experimental strategies for implementing Quality by Design
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
April 25, 2017
Much has been learned about the use of Quality by Design (QbD) since it was proposed by the FDA and ICH (2005) some five years ago. While the benefits of the approach are generally acknowledged, its implementation has been slower than expected.
Think Strategically for Design of Experiments Success (3)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
March 27, 2017
Administration of an experimental program is a vital step that is often overlooked. It must be carefully planned and executed. As John Wooden, arguably the most successful college basketball coach ever, has admonished us, “Failing to plan is planning to f
Think Strategically for Design of Experiments Success (2)
Ronald D. Snee, PhD
February 23, 2017
It should not be overlooked that DoE can be used to improrove the repeatability, reproducibility, and robustness of analytical methods.