COVAXX Announces Phase 2 Clinical Trials of UB-612 Vaccine Candidate against COVID-19
February 05, 2021
COVAXX has announced that the Taiwan, China Ministry of Health and Welfare on January 29, granted conditional approval to begin Phase 2 trials of UB-612, its vaccine candidate to address the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2.
COVAXX, Aurobindo sign Covid-19 vaccine development deal
December 29, 2020
US company COVAXX has signed an exclusive agreement with Indian company Aurobindo Pharma to expand global development and commercialisation of the former’s multitope peptide-based Covid-19 vaccine, UB-612, to India and the United Nations Children’s Fund.
COVAXX commits to deliver 140 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to emerging markets
November 30, 2020
The company suggests their experimental COVID-19 vaccine, UB-612, has the features and potential to disrupt the traditional vaccine distribution and supply status quo.
Covaxx announces Covid-19 vaccine purchase deals worth $2.8bn
November 27, 2020
US company COVAXX has announced $2.8bn advanced purchase commitments of over 140 million doses of its UB-612 vaccine to be delivered in countries including Brazil, Ecuador and Peru.
COVAXX Initiates Phase 1 Clinical Trial of COVID-19 Vaccine UB-612 in Taiwan, China Region of China
September 30, 2020
COVAXX announced the first healthy adult volunteers were safely dosed in the company's Phase 1, open-label, dose-escalation study of the UB-612 vaccine candidate for COVID-19 in Taiwan, China Region of China.