• Pot Use May Change the Teenage Brain, MRIs Show drugs
    June 18, 2021
    Smoking pot appears to affect teens' brain development, altering it in ways that could diminish their reasoning, decision-making and memory skills as they age, a new study reports.
  • Scans, Ultrasound Spot Zika Brain Defects drugs
    December 06, 2018
    Ultrasounds and MRIs during pregnancy and after birth can detect most Zika-related brain abnormalities in infants, researchers report.
  • Multicolour MRIs could aid disease detection europeanpharmaceuticalreview
    August 18, 2017
    Researchers have developed a method that could make magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) multicoloured – a strategy that could serve as a research tool and even aid disease diagnosis…
  • MRIs Can Be Safe for People With Heart Devices … drugs.com
    February 23, 2017
    People with pacemakers or implantable defibrillators have long been told they can't undergo MRI scans. But a new study suggests that it can be safely done -- under the right conditions.
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