The Multifaceted Benefits of Guaraná: Energy, Cognition, and Beyond
David Orchard-Webb
December 04, 2024
Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) is a climbing plant endemic to the Amazon region, namely Brazil. This article looks at Guaraná's medicinal potential, traditional usage, and rising significance in modern health applications.
Echinacea Extract: Therapeutic Potential and Traditional Uses
David Orchard-Webb
November 05, 2024
Echinacea is known for its brilliant purple petals and cone-shaped core, has been used for generations for medicinal purposes.
The Global Vitamin E Market: Current Trends and Future Prospects
David Orchard-Webb
August 01, 2024
The global vitamin E market is poised for significant growth in the coming years.
Novel Antioxidant Seen as an Effective Strategy for Peripheral Artery Disease
November 23, 2020
Researchers within the School of Health and Kinesiology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) have found that a novel antioxidant can provide a number of health benefits for individuals with peripheral artery disease.
Antioxidant, Supplement Use May Worsen Breast Cancer Outcomes
December 27, 2019
Use of antioxidants and other dietary supplements before and during chemotherapy is associated with worse survival outcomes for patients with breast cancer ...
Natural antioxidant helps improve immune-based therapies by modulating T-cells
July 09, 2019
Natural antioxidant helps improve immune-based therapies by modulating T-cells.
Antioxidant reduces risk for second heart attack, stroke
September 05, 2018
Doctors have long known that in the months after a heart attack or stroke, patients are more likely to have another attack or stroke. Now, a paper in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology explains what happens inside blood vessels to increase