contractpharmaApril 16, 2020
Tag: Acquisition , Dalton Pharma Services , Seikagaku
Earlier this year, Global Healthcare Advisors (GHA) announced the acquisition of Canada’s Dalton Pharma Services by Japan’s Seikagaku Corporation (SKK).
With the acquisition of Dalton, SKK adds high value-added one-stop contract development and manufacturing (CDMO) services, including the manufacturing of chemosynthesis products and active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), and API process development for pharmaceutical companies at a time of strong industry growth. Dalton’s services also include the manufacturing of investigational drugs in the development stage and optimization of manufacturing conditions.
As part of the transaction, SKK obtains Dalton’s:
SKK plans to leverage these additions to begin in-house manufacturing of chemosynthesis products used for research and other purposes, which SKK currently produces by outsourced contract manufacturing.
SKK also plans to transfer the manufacturing of investigational drugs and selected SKK pharmaceutical products to Dalton while expanding its CDMO business and continuing its exceptional service to current clients.
GHA initiated this transaction and advised SKK on its acquisition.
"The acquisition of Dalton represents an exciting addition for SKK and positions us well for expansion and continued success in the fast-growing pharmaceutical services industry," said Ken Mizutani, president and chief executive officer, SKK. "The team at GHA was instrumental at all stages of this transaction, and we appreciate their professionalism and diligence."
Larry Carter, managing partner, GHA, said, "The intricacies of this particular transaction required full-team commitment and a strategic vision on behalf of all parties, which we are proud to have brought to fruition. GHA’s efforts were essential in sourcing, negotiating, and managing all phases of the diligence process for this transaction."
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