europeanpharmaceuticalreviewMarch 26, 2020
Tag: Eli Lilly , Insulin , COVID-19 , Supply chain
Eli Lilly has released an update about how the insulin supply chain is being affected by COVID-19. According to the company, they do not anticipate shortages and have set up resources to enable low- or no-income patients to access insulin during the coronavirus pandemic.
The company previously stated that it does not source any active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) for their approved medications from China. Therefore, it does not expect to be impacted by reduced manufacturing from the Asia Pacific market.
Lilly stated that it has a network of global manufacturing sites, at current, those producing insulin in Europe and the US are still operational, with increased precautions in place to protect the supply of medicine and the welfare of employees from COVID-19. The company say it is continually monitoring the situation for possible impact on the supply of their medicines.
According to the business, some US pharmacies have temporarily run out of stock of insulin products due to high demand. Lilly stated that, while some pharmacies have not had their orders fulfilled by wholesalers due to "manufacturer backorder", they are not aware of any such problems and pharmacies should be able to secure orders for delivery in one or two days.
Lilly also advised that patients financially affected by COVID-19 can call the Lilly Diabetes Solution Center to access treatment options, including free insulin.
"COVID-19 is an unprecedented challenge for all of us, but Lilly has planned for such events," said Mike Mason, president of Lilly Diabetes. "Our manufacturing facilities, supply chain and Lilly Diabetes Solution Center are designed to support those who rely on insulin. We are committed to providing a regular supply of safe insulin and our Solution Center can provide real insulin affordability assistance for people during this difficult time, including people whose jobs have gone away. If you need help, please call the Lilly Diabetes Solution Center."
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