Time:July 08-13, 2014
Venue:Paris France
The International Association of Applied Psychology is the oldest international
association of psychologists. Its official languages are English and
French. Founded in 1920, it now has members from more than 80 countries.
Its main mission is to promote the science and practice of applied psychology
and to facilitate interaction and communication about applied
psychology around the world.
Every four years IAAP organizes a world congress of applied psychology
which serves as a review of advances in applied psychology and unites
several thousand psychologists from all over the world. The 25th ICAP was
held in Singapore in 2002, the 26th ICAP in Athens in 2006, and the 27th ICAP
in Melbourne in 2010.
These congresses belong to the main responsibilities of IAAP inasmuch as
they are particularly suited instruments to pursue the Association’s mission
of bringing applied psychologists in world-wide contact with each other.
In addition, the ICAP offers the unique opportunity to demonstrate the societal
significance of applied psychology.
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