[On-demand]The 4th NextGen Conference 2014
Time:March 27-28, 2014
Country&Region: China Mainland
Venue:Shanghai, China
Organizer:CPhI Conferences & UBM China
China is changing from a big country to a powerful country in generics industry and there are lots of opportunities in this shift:
Generics market continues to flourish, the global growth reached at 8% and in China it achieved at 25%.
Pricing policy from NDRC and tender offer from health planning committee to generics which get through generics consistency evaluation.
Diversified development of generics market, M&A of pharmacy, strategic cooperation and generics branding
Biosimilar is on emerging market, more pharmaceutical companies are involved in biosimilar business……
At the same time, generics companies also face up with many challenges in the increasingly competitive market environment:
Stricter of regulation from FDA&EU, the requirement of generics registration and application become higher
More types of generics are included in generics consistency evaluation, generics quality requirements gradually improve
High standard of generics brings about price fall of terminal product and cost raise, cost inflation is obvious for generics pharmacy
Impurity control and dissolution rate comparing are still two big technological difficulties for generics
More innovator pharma manufacturers march into generics, pharma IP become deeply and more requirements for formulation development……
The 4th NEXTGEN CHINA 2014 will gather all resource of CPhI global and essence of past three conferences, and explore regulatory, market & technology in generics to discuss and showcase evolving generics landscape & solutions.
6 Compelling Reasons to Attend:
Delving into key trends of generics regulatory, market and technology
Hearing in-depth presentations from 25+ global speakers under CPhI resources
Covering 3 hot topics: updated regulatory environment, ever-changing market and alliance, evolving technology and commercialization
Networking with and 120+ decision makers from pharmaceutical companies
Benefiting from case studies from leading generic pharmacy of US, EU and India
15+ professional presentations and 2+ panel discussion, getting on-spot answers to your critical business and technical challenges
Who Should Attend?
Decision makers/R&D/QA,QC/Product Development/Regulatory Affairs/BD/Marketing
From: Generics Manufacturers/Innovator Pharma Manufacturers/CRO,CMO/Ingredient & Material Suppliers/Equipment Suppiers/Government Associations/Analytical Laboratories