Functional Foods, Bioactive Compounds and Biomarkers Research and Practical Application

Time:July 26-27, 2014

Country&Region:Chengdu, Sichuan, China Mainland

Venue:No 29 Jianghan Lane, Xinhua Road, Chengdu, China

Organizer:Functional Food Center Inc

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Main Conference Topics: Topics for this conference include: The epidemiology of mental and neurological disorders: a) Depression, b) Substance use disorders, c) Schizophrenia, d) Epilepsy, e) Alzheimer’s disease, I) Mental retardation, g) Disorders of childhood and adolescence. Prevention, management and treatment of mental and neurological disorders. Conventional approaches to healing: strengths and weaknesses Food, nutrition, beverage and brain health  Prevention, management, treatment of mental and neurological disorders: Complementary and alternative medicine approaches Functional food ingredients: sources and potential benefits in public health; Chronic diseases (cancer, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other chronic diseases): biomarkers, and bioactive foods Functional and medical foods in the prevention and management of mental and neurological disorders: Depression Schizophrenia Alzheimer’s disease Mental retardation Epilepsy Substance use disorders Disorders of childhood and adolescence Other brain related chronic disorders      8. Bioactive compounds in the management of mental and neurological disorders      9. The effects of bioactive compounds and functional foods on biomarkers of neurological and mental disorders      10. Chronic diseases (cancer, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other chronic diseases): biomarkers, and bioactive foods      11. Functional and medical foods with bioactive compounds for health and disease prevention      12. Legislation on health claims: health, functional and medical food.      13. Research and development of new functional food products for brain health and for the management of chronic diseases   If you are interested, please register through the conference registration tab!

  1. The epidemiology of chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, CVD, cancer, mental and other chronic diseases)
  2. Food, nutrition, beverage, and chronic diseases
  3. Functional food ingredients and bioactive compounds: sources and potential benefits in public health
  4. The effects of bioactive compounds and functional foods on biomarkers of chronic disorders
  5. Functional and medical foods with bioactive compounds for health 
  6. Functional and medical foods with bioactive compounds for the management of chronic diseases
  7. Legislation on health claims: healthy, functional and medical foods.
  8. Research and development of new functional food products 

  To register for the conference click here!


Call for Abstracts:

The abstract submission deadline is May 30, 2014. However, space is limited so don't delay, submit your abstract today! The entire abstract should have a maximum of 650 words (up to three pages). There is no up-front fee for submitting a conference abstract. An abstract must be submitted with the intention that the submission fee will be deducted from your conference registration payment, as long as the payment is made within 7 days of submission. Failure to register with payment within 7 days of acceptance will result in an additional abstract publication fee of $49. First authors are expected to be the individuals who will register, pay the conference fee, and present the paper if the conference committee accepts their submission. In the case of an emergency and author(s) are unable to attend the conference, they are required to pay an abstract publication fee of $99. Decisions on selection will be promptly communicated to the authors via E-mail. All contributions will be reviewed, and accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings book. Please email your abstract as an attachment to Please see our sample abstract.   There is no charge for the withdrawal of an abstract. In the case that the first author cannot attend the conference and present; he or she must contact the conference organizing committee by e-mail at to provide notification of withdrawal or to request a substitute presenter. Withdrawals must be received before May 30th, 2014.    Please note: Abstracts withdrawn after May 30th, 2014, will be published and the first author will be expected to pay the abstract publication fee. The conference does not provide financial support nor registration fee waivers for any presentations.     To avoid the last minute rush, submit your abstract in advance. Abstracts reaching the Conference Organizing Committee after May 30, 2014 at 5 pm will not be accepted. For any information concerning publications please contact us For more information about abstract submission, please click here.


Instructions for Poster Presenters:

  Poster presentations provide an opportunity for the audience to get a clear visual of the presenters work in a simple format. The most reasonable size for posters is 2.5 – 3.0 feet high by 3.5 - 4 feet wide.   Poster presentation recommendations:

  1. The poster should clearly present the title, the author(s), affiliation(s), and a description of the research along with highlighting the major elements that are covered in the abstract.
  2. Remember that pictures, tables, and figures are key to any poster display
  3. At least 50% of the surface area should be used for photos, graphs, or diagrams.
  4. Good use of color and the use of black or dark blue for text. Too much color can be hard to read!
  5. One or two large high quality photographs attract attention.
  6. Make it the title large and clear! Include author(s) name(s) and address (es). Your poster title should be easily readable from a distance of 3-4 meters.
  7. We recommend the following sections on the poster: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Tables, Figures, Results, and Conclusions.

For more information about poster sessions, please click here.


Registration Fees:

The registration fee will cover the Conference Proceedings book (Abstract book), welcome dinner, lunches and refreshments for 2 days, as well as a 12 month membership to the Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds.

Cancellation Policy: Two months before conference: 75% refund, 45 days before conference: 50% refund, one month before conference: No refund. Refunds will be sent after the conference. Notice of cancellation of registration must be received in writing to the Conference Secretariat: All refunds will be provided after the conference within 14 days.

Please click here to make a payment for the conference registration fee.


Conference registration fees (Early Bird Registration by May 30, 2014)



Early Bird Registration fee

Standard rate







Student $295   $495           Exhibitors $2000             $2500

Please note: space at this conference is limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.


Paper Submission:

The deadline for abstract submission is May 30, 2014. Full-text papers for oral presentations or posters should be submitted before June 30, 2014. Power Points for oral presentations should be submitted before July 12, 2014. Please send all documents to


Program Friday, July 25th, 2014     Chengdu 9:00-22:00   Registration   Saturday, July 26th, 2014   Chengdu Opening Ceremony, functional food and bioactive compounds

Sessions   Sunday, July 27th, 2014    Chengdu Functional food and bioactive compounds Session, food quality and safety control technology Session.    Monday, July 28th, 2014 —Wednesday, July 30th, 2014     Technical Tour Sichuan Province


Hotel location: Xin Hua hotel, No 29 Jianghan Lane, Xinhua Road, Chengdu, China. Click here for more information about the hotel.


For more information about the conference, please contact us by Email at   For international calls, please use: 469-441-8272.


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