European Academy of Dematology and Venereology

Time:October 08-12, 2014

Venue:Holland Amsterdam


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Applications for Fellowship

The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology will offer 500 fellowships of reduced registration fee (Fellowship Registration Fee: EUR 100) to dermatologists who are not otherwise supported to attend the above mentioned EADV Congress in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

If you would like to apply for a fellowship, please send the below requested information and read carefully the Terms and Conditions:

  • Completed Application Form
  • EADV membership number (if an EADV member)
  • List of EADV events attended (Congress, Symposium, Fostering course or any other EADV event)
  • Motivation to attend the Congress (3-5 sentences)

Terms & Conditions

  • Applications must be received strictly by the closing date. Any late applications will not be considered.
  • EADV members are eligible to receive a fellowship on more than one occasion.
  • Preference will be given to Junior EADV members and EADV members who have submitted an abstract or poster.
  • Non-members may receive a fellowship once only. In order to be eligible to receive it again, - you need to apply/be an EADV member.
  • Applications will be assessed by the EADV Honours & Awards Committee and their decision will be final.
  • Only one application per person may be submitted.
  • Fellowship registration fees for successful applicants cannot be paid by companies or travel agencies. Companies or travel agencies are only allowed to cover the expenses of full registration fees, in that case, a successful fellowship applicant will not be able to benefit from the lower registration fee.
  • Please note that block bookings will receive no consideration.
  • You will be notified by e-mail if your application was successful by the end of August, 2014.


Use of Data - Authorisation

The data made available through the online application form are gathered and treated by the EADV in compliance with the Swiss regulation on data protection, in particular in compliance with Sec. 4 of the Swiss Federal Law of June 19, 1992 on Data Protection. All data are treated by the EADV only for organisational purposes, in particular for the registration to Meetings as well as for the monitoring of credits for the Continuing Medical Education of the participants.

At any Congress and Symposium each participant receives one badge carrying the family name and the first name of the participant as well as a barcode. Through the barcode all data on this form can be accessed through software at the sole disposal of the EADV. Each participant shall consider that by accepting any scanning of the badge at any stand at the Congress or Symposium, the participant gives his/her authorisation to the EADV to transfer the data of the participant regarding his/her postal address and e-mail to the holder of the stand (usually a pharmaceutical company), including the authorisation to use said data for purposes such as the promotion of pharmaceutical products and similar.



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