ANZSOM Annual Scientific Meeting 2014

Time:August 24-27, 2014

Country&Region: Australia

Venue:King William Road, Adelaide, South Australia

Organizer:Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine

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The Australian and New Zealand Society of Occupational Medicine (ANZSOM) 2014 Annual Scientific Meeting will be held at Adelaide Oval Complex in Adelaide, South Australia from Sunday 24th to Wednesday 27th August. Attracting delegates from Australia and overseas, the meeting provides a diverse range of topics and learning formats, the conference is a key educational and networking event for health professionals working in the field of occupational medicine and workplace health.


The conference theme ‘Thinking outside the square’ - The challenges for tomorrow’s occupational professional underlines the changing nature of work and the range of emerging issues facing occupational health professionals. It also highlights the central role played by occupational medical practitioners, nurses and other health professionals in addressing the challenges of ensuring the current and future health and wellbeing of the workforce. The program features speakers of international renown and provides opportunities to experience local workplaces and attractions in Adelaide and surrounding areas. The conference will also feature a stream developed specifically for nurses, recognising their important role in workplace health.


Highlights of the technical program include:

  • Psychiatry and psychology in physical injuries
  • Managing transgender workers
  • Rail safety for heritage rail operations
  • A cornucopia of toxinology
  • Concussion in sport
  • Electronic media update
  • Occupational nursing stream
  • CPR update
  • Credibility of the expert witness


A popular aspect of the ANZSOM conference, site visits provide an insight into the varying nature of work and the issues facing health professionals working in occupational health. Visits include:

  • Petaluma Winery
  • ASC (formerly Australian Submarine Corporation)
  • Adelaide Festival Centre
  • Royal Adelaide Hospital building site
  • South Australian Museum
  • Adelaide Casino


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