2014 AACC Annual Meeting

Time:July 29-31, 2014

Venue:McCormick Place - Chicago, IL


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Connect with the Global Laboratory Medicine Community
Attend the 2014 AACC Annual Meeting and:
•Connect with global leaders in clinical chemistry, molecular diagnostics, mass spectrometry, translational medicine, lab management, and other areas of breaking science in laboratory medicine.

•Learn about cutting edge technology. The AACC annual meeting has more than 200 new product introductions each year.

•Hear vital research and learn about important changes in the field. With more than 200 educational opportunities in Lectures, Plenary Sessions, Symposia, Short Courses and Brown Bag Sessions, you can design an educational experience that best meets your professional needs.


Exhibitor Information
Exhibit Dates: July 29-31, 2014
McCormick Place - Chicago, IL

Visit the 2014 AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo exhibitor website

The deadline for submitting proposals was September 26, 2013 and we are no longer accepting proposals for the meeting. We appreciate your interest in the meeting and look forward to seeing you in Chicago!





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