Company Profile

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Humanwell Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. was established in 1993 and listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1997 (600079. SH). Hubei Province's leading pharmaceutical enterprises, China's top 100 pharmaceutical industry, National Science and technology innovation demonstration enterprises. The company adheres to the strategy of "making pharmaceutical market segmentation", and has established a leading position in many domestic segmentation fields, such as anesthetics, fertility regulating drugs, Uyghur drugs, etc; At the same time, it has actively developed pharmaceutical business, steadily promoted the internationalization process, and realized the R & D, market and industrial layout in the United States, Africa and other global areas.

     As a "national recognized enterprise technology center" and "national special undertaking unit for major new drug creation and development", the company adheres to R & D as the guide, and takes the lead in R & D investment of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises and the progress of new drug R & D. in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, it has established the "Military Optical Valley innovative drug R & D center", Hubei Institute of biomedical industry technology was established to build a domestic platform for new drug R & D industrialization.

     The pace of development will never stop. The goal of humanwell pharmaceutical is to become one of the Chinese pharmaceutical industries and an international pharmaceutical enterprise with sustainable competitiveness!

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