Mouth Rinse for HPV DNA May Be Biomarker in Head, Neck Cancer
June 11, 2019
Mouth Rinse for HPV DNA May Be Biomarker in Head, Neck Cancer.
Fragmentation Profiles of Cell-Free DNA Can Detect Cancer
June 06, 2019
Fragmentation Profiles of Cell-Free DNA Can Detect Cancer.
Aldevron to Build 14-Acre Gene Therapy Mfg. Campus
June 04, 2019
Annual capacity will exceed $1 billion of plasmid DNA, RNA, gene editing enzymes, and other biologics.
Blood Test Could Spot Multiple Cancer Types, Researchers Say
May 30, 2019
A gene-based blood test can accurately detect breast, colorectal, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, gastric or bile duct cancers in patients, researchers report.
Do You Have the 'Fainting Gene'?
May 29, 2019
Some folks are more prone to fainting than others, and the reason might lie in their DNA.
Do You Have the 'Fainting Gene'?
May 29, 2019
Some folks are more prone to fainting than others, and the reason might lie in their DNA.
Your DNA Might Determine Whether You're a Dog Lover
May 22, 2019
Could a love for canines be contained in your genes?
Aldevron Readies for Expansion
May 16, 2019
Announces 1,000 liter fermentation capacity and significant manufacturing space growth.
Cancer-fighting nano-robots programmed to seek and destroy tumours
April 30, 2019
Study shows first applications of DNA origami for nanomedicine…
Ciprofloxacin dramatically affects the mitochondrial genome
April 19, 2019
Researchers have shown how ciprofloxacin, a fluoroquinolone, affects mitochondrial DNA, and could be the cause of side effects experienced from use of the drug…