Vaccines Industry Witnesses Essential Demand in Efforts to Safeguard the Population Against COVID-19
April 10, 2020
ResearchAndMarkets.com identifies Unified Communications as one of the key industries seeing increased demand due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Gilead supersizes remdesivir trials, changes primary endpoint
April 10, 2020
Gilead Sciences has made major mid-study changes to its global remdesivir trials, quadrupling the enrollment target and switching the primary endpoint.
Tiziana develops delivery tech for COVID-19 treatment
April 10, 2020
Tiziana Life Sciences says it has developed an investigational new technology that it hopes will ultimately be used to treat COVID-19 infections.
Avacta and Cytiva team up for COVID-19
April 10, 2020
Avacta and Cytiva (formerly known as GE Healthcare Life Sciences) have formed a collaboration to develop and manufacture an Affimer-based point-of-care rapid test intended.
Kedrion Biopharma to Develop Plasma-based Treatment for COVID-19
April 10, 2020
Kedrion Biopharma has started the development of a plasma-derived therapy for treating the COVID-19 virus that could make it available to patients in as little as three to six months.
Cytovia, Macromoltek to Develop COVID-19 Dual-Acting Natural Killer Immunotherapy
April 10, 2020
Cytovia Therapeutics is expanding its programs to help urgently address the current SAR CoV2 (COVID-19) crisis.
Akers Biosciences, Premas Biotech Announce Progress in its Vaccine Development for COVID-19
April 10, 2020
Akers Biosciences announced its collaboration with Premas Biotech has successfully completed the milestone of obtaining clones of all three coronavirus antigens, Spike (S) ...
FDA warns company selling fraudulent COVID-19 products containing chlorine dioxide
April 10, 2020
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued the letter after finding the products contain chlorine dioxide, a powerful bleaching agent with potentially fatal side effects.
OncoImmune gets approval to trial CD24Fc for Covid-19 in US
April 10, 2020
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved for OncoImmune to conduct a Phase III clinical trial of CD24Fc to treat patients hospitalised with Covid-19.
AstraZeneca begins efforts to identify antibodies against Covid-19
April 10, 2020
AstraZeneca has begun research efforts focused on the identification and development of antibody therapies against Covid-19 coronavirus infection.