EC approves Roche’s Tecentriq combination to treat breast cancer
September 03, 2019
Roche has gained approval from the European Commission (EC) for Tecentriq (atezolizumab) with chemotherapy (Abraxane) to treat patients with unresectable locally advanced or...
ADCendo secures loan to advance ADCs for cancer treatment
September 03, 2019
ADCendo has secured a loan amount to advance its novel antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) that are being developed to treat cancers.
Breast cancer can form 'sleeper cells' after drug treatment
September 03, 2019
Breast cancer medicines may force some cancer cells into 'sleeper mode', allowing them to potentially come back to life years after initial treatment.
Rova-T programme discontinued following poor trial results
September 03, 2019
A Phase III trial evaluating Rova-T as a first-line maintenance therapy for advanced small-cell lung cancer demonstrated no survival benefit.
Type and Timing of Menopausal HRT Affect Risk of Breast Cancer
September 02, 2019
Use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is associated with increased incidence of breast cancer, according to a study published online in The Lancet.
Cancer Survivors Face Long-Term Cardiovascular Risk
August 30, 2019
Cancer survivors face an increase in the long-term risk for cardiovascular disease, according to a study published online in The Lancet.
Exercise Is Good Medicine for Advanced Colon Cancer
August 30, 2019
Waging a successful battle against advanced colon cancer should include regular doses of exercise, a new study suggests.
CT Scan Screen for Lung Cancer Can ID Smoking-Related Diseases
August 28, 2019
Lung cancer screening (LCS) computed tomography (CT) scans can be used to identify smoking-related conditions that frequently are associated with adverse events
Few Oncologists Suggest Health Promotion to Cancer Survivors
August 28, 2019
Few oncologists and specialists recommend health promotion to cancer survivors, according to a study published online in Cancer.
Can Breast Cancer Be a Risk Factor for Opioid Use Among Older Patients?
August 28, 2019
Dealing with breast cancer is tough, and the depression and anxiety that can come with the diagnosis can up the risk of using opioids while lowering survival rates in older women, a new study finds.