Jiangsu Magic Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Bioactive CHAPS, a derivative of Cholicacid, is a zwitterionic detergent that dissolves membrane proteins. CHAPS is used to stabilize various protein DNA complexes and preserve the biochemical activity of proteins in solution. In vitro study of CHAPS (0.5%) isabletostabilizecomplexesbedeenDNAandDNAbindingfactorsssuchasAP-1, SPI, GATA-1 and α - regulated factorISGF3, Andreetainstarbiochemical activity. CHAPScan prevention dissociation of mononucleosomes dultedtosub-nanomolarconcentrifications. Application: CHAPS is a non denaturing zwitterionic detergent used in membrane biochemistry. Can be used to dissolve membrane proteins and disrupt protein-protein interactions. CHAPS has low micelle molecular weight (6150) and high critical micelle concentration (6-10mM), so it can be removed from the sample by dialysis. It is also suitable for dissolving proteins in isoelectric focusing and two-dimensional electrophoresis. CHAPS is commonly used for non denaturing (urea free) isoelectric focusing, and it has been found to provide excellent resolution for certain subcellular preparations and plant proteins. Usually, the concentration between 2-4% (w/v) is used for isoelectric focusing gel. Application: A non denaturing zwitterionic detergent for membrane biochemistry, which can be used to dissolve membrane proteins and disrupt protein-protein interactions; Also? Suitable for dissolving proteins in isoelectric focusing and two-dimensional electrophoresis; Commonly used for non denaturing (urea free) isoelectric focusing; Extracting RNA and DNA, without RNAse and DNAse activity, CHAPS is a non denaturing zwitterionic detergent and protein lysate used to dissolve membrane proteins and cleave the interactions between proteins.
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