This product is suitable for megaloblastic anemia caused by lack of internal factors, and can also be used for subacute combined degenerative neurological diseases, such as neuritis adjuvant treatment.Muscle notes. In adults, 0.025-0.1mg(0.05-0.2 mg) one day or 0.05-0.2mg(0.1-0.4 mg) the other day for 2 weeks. When used for neuritis, the dosage can be increased. This product can also be used for acupoint sealing.
Specification: 1ml: 0.1mg/0.25mg/0.5mg |
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Qingdao Qingmei Biotech Co.,Ltd
:Vitamin B12 , also called cobalt amine element, is the only vitamin containing metal elements. Vitamin B12 in natural all is produced by nicroorganisms and higher plants and animals cannot make it. Vitamin B12 is the only kind of vitamin need a intestinal secretions (internal factor)’s help to be absorb. Its main physiological function is participating in production of red blood cells in the bone marrow , preventing pernicious anemia and preventing damage to the brain.
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